stretchy operators in spanned table rows.
(too old to reply)
David Carlisle
2005-01-11 13:24:44 UTC
We wanted to generate a \bordermatrix (in TeX-speak) with labels
outside the brackets, something like

m - n ( R_11 )
n ( R_21 )

I believe that the natural size of the implied mrow in
<mtd rowspan="2"> is the height of two rows, so a stretchy operator in
there should stretch to (visually) surround the submatrix consisting of
the bottom right hand portion of the mtable.

mathplayer renders the document below as I expected, however mozilla
doesn't stretch the brackets so I get

m - n ( R_11 )
n R_21

with brackets only round the first row of the sub-matrix.

I think this is a mozilla bug, however whether or not it is a bug, I'd
be interested in a workaround that works in mozilla/netscape, if anyone
has any suggestions...

Our real examples have quite complicated/large expressions in the
entries so getting the labels to line up with the matrix columns seems
quite hard if they are not in the same mtable, and if they are in the
same mtable, I can't persuade mozilla to stretch the brackets...


<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="pmathml.xsl"?>

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<mtable columnalign="right center">
<mtr><mtd><mi>m</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>n</mi></mtd><mtd rowspan="2"><mo>(</mo></mtd><mtd><msub><mi>R</mi><mrow><mn>1</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></msub></mtd><mtd rowspan="2"><mo>)</mo></mtd></mtr>

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William F Hammond
2005-01-11 18:00:28 UTC
Post by David Carlisle
We wanted to generate a \bordermatrix (in TeX-speak) with labels
outside the brackets, something like
m - n ( R_11 )
n ( R_21 )
. . .
Post by David Carlisle
I think this is a mozilla bug, however whether or not it is a bug, I'd
be interested in a workaround that works in mozilla/netscape, if anyone
has any suggestions...
One can do something of a workaround with nested arrays:

(source http://math.albany.edu:8000/math/special/bordermatrix.glm)

-- Bill
