Post by R***@dessci.comHi.
Post by DKMFor some reason, my first sentence did not come out as a complete
sentence. I meant to say it does not display correctly in FireFox
1.0.3. It displays as a⁢b or a&invisibletimes;b instead of ab.
I suspect this is just a typo in your email, but the entity name is
case sensitive. Try ⁢ instead. I think ⁢ may not
be supported, as it is really just a shorthand alias. Another thing
to try for debugging purposes is to use the numeric equivalent
I have ⁢ as follows in portion of my code:
// multiplies elements x and y
// x and y could be complex valid document fragments
function imultiply(x,y) {
fragDoc = document.createDocumentFragment();
moElement = document.createElement("mo");
moElementText = document.createTextNode("⁢");
return fragDocument;
The above works if I replace ⁢ with "+" or "+ or "-" or
any other string.
If x was <mi>a</mi> and y was <mi>b</mi>, calling imultiply(x,y) should
return <mi>a</mi><mo>⁢</mo><mi>b</mi> and should display
it appropriately, but it returns
<mi>a</mi><mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo><mi>b</mi> and does not display
I tried replacing with ⁢ It did not work.
Firefox displays as a⁢b or a⁢b and in the source
code it displays a&InvisibleTimes; or a&#x2062;b
I am at a loss as to why it is not seeing it as ⁢
instead of &InvisibleTimes;. Maybe thats where the problem lies.
Thank you very much in advance.
D.K. Mishra
Post by R***
Director of New Product Development 651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc. "How Science Communicates"